Attendance Policy

The policy on attendance for university classes will be the responsibility of the instructor, and the instructor will fully inform students of such policy at the beginning of each course via the course syllabus.

The faculty and staff at Florida National University want students to succeed. Research indicates a positive relationship between good attendance and academic achievement, students are strongly encouraged to attend all course sessions and arrive on time.

*Individual instructors establish their own course attendance policies. Each instructor’s policy is included in the course syllabus and distributed at the beginning of each course.

*It is the student’s responsibility to understand and follow these policies and, if possible, to notify instructors in advance when it is necessary to miss a course session.

*Any anticipated prolonged absences should be reported to instructors as soon as possible.

*If a student stops attending a course, or courses, for any reason, they must consult with the instructor(s) and registrar about possible withdrawal from those courses.

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